Power Up

We’ve hand picked some of the best providers of complementary services. Helping Power Up your EO business in a variety of ways.

Maximum benefit, minimal outlay.

EOA Membership

The Employee Ownership Association. This should be a given. Very affordable for small companies. A broad resource of anything/everything EO related.

Independent trustees

It’s best practice for all EOTs to have an independent trustee. They should provide experience, wisdom, and balance.


Go EO make the financial/legal side of EO transfers affordable. But EO is about people! A good coach keeps everyone working well towards a common goal.

Part time FD

As your business grows, having someone on your side with strong financial acumen becomes more important.


How you tell key parties about the EOT can significantly help/hinder its early success.

EOT insurances

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making


Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making

Great independent trustees:

Ann Tyler

Vast EO experience

Ann’s been at the forefront of the EO world for 35 years, with a background in law.

Chris Simpson

Entrepreneurial edge

Chris has helped numerous businesses grow rapidly.


I want more choice!

Independent Directors and Trustees (IDT) have plenty more candidates. Guaranteed to be one to suit!

Great coaches:

Clayton Drotsky

Leadership Guru

Clayton helps leaders of all sizes of businesses get the best from their teams.

Kate Mercer

Organisation Development Specialist

Kate has a wealth of experience helping teams thrive as businesses scale up.

Neil Williams

Coach (Retirement Specialist)

Selling what’s been your company for many years to an EOT is a huge step, not just financially.

Marketing support:


Branding and communications experts

How you tell key parties about the EOT can significantly help/hinder its early success.

Scott Media

Public relations professionals

Get more people talking about your business, in a positive light!

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